Lipstadt delivers keynote address at Emory conference on academic freedom

Professor Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies, delivered the keynote address at the "Academic Freedom and Free Speech on Campus" conference hosted on Emory's campus from March 21-23.
“It is in the free exchange of ideas that extremists are revealed to be what they are,” Lipstadt explained. “We have to be the unwelcome dinner guest, not sitting silent in the face of bigotry.”
Professor Lipstadt has personal experience with issues of academic freedom and free speech—in 1996, David Irving sued both her and her publisher Penguin Books for libel in the English court system after she named him as a Holocaust denier in her book Denying the Holocaust.
The conference featured speakers and panelists from universities across the country as well as from Emory's own faculty.
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