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Affiliated Faculty

Angelika Bammer
Memory studies, narrative, photography and visual aesthetics, interdisciplinary methods, feminism and the Marxian tradition
Department of Comparative Literature
Ira Bedzow
Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Bioethics, Values-Driven Leadership, Jewish Law, Jewish Thought
Emory Purpose Project, Center for Ethics
Matthew Bernstein
American and international film history, African-Americans in American film, film criticism, production histories, reception studies
Department of Film & Media Studies
Jonathan Crane
Jewish ethical perspectives on biomedical, social, political, and warfare issues, comparative religious ethics
Center for Ethics
Astrid M. Eckert
Modern German history, modern European history, environmental history, borderlands
Department of History
Jason Francisco
Photography, Eastern European Jewry post-Holocaust
Department of Film & Media Studies
Peter Höyng
German literature and culture since the 18th Century, German-Jewish Culture since 1750
Department of German Studies
Edward Queen
Professional and social ethics, religious and ethnic conflict, civil society
Center for Ethics
Katalin Rac
Modern Central European Jewish history, transnational history, culinary history
Woodruff Library
Caroline Schaumann
Contemporary German literature and culture, 19th century Alpine exploration and mountaineering, ecocriticism, postwar and post-Wall German culture, German-Jewish literature
Department of German Studies
Joseph Skibell
Novelist, essayist
Department of English and Creative Writing Program
Paul Wolpe (on leave 24-25)
Bioethics, Jewish and religious ethics
Center for Ethics